
This is an image slider developed with vueopen in new window 3 which comes with 20 cool transitions out of the box.

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You can view the demos here


ResponsiveThe slider and the images are adapted to container to fill it always
CompatibilitySupported by all major browsers
ExpandableYou can add your custom transitions very easily
CustomizationTotal customizable to suit most needs
GesturesMobile friendly by gestures
FunctionalityYou can use arrow keys to navigate. Switch to full screen
ParallaxIt includes a parallax component very easy to set up

Quick start

Install and save the package.

npm install --save vue-flux@latest

First you need to decide where to import the slider styles, if you wil use one slider it can be done where the slider is used, otherwise the best practice is in the main.[ts|js]. Implementing the styles is as simple as:

import 'vue-flux/style.css';

In the following component we add the styles directly there.

Options VS Composition

VueFlux 7 works with Vue 3, but as you should know it doesn't work the same if you use the Options or Composition API. All examples found in this documentation are using Composition API, so if you use Options API take a look to the few changes that you have to make in the documentation I created specifically

This one has all the complements, so you can remove the ones you don't want.

import { ref, shallowReactive } from 'vue';
import {
} from 'vue-flux';
import 'vue-flux/style.css';

const $vueFlux = ref();

const options = shallowReactive({
	autoplay: true,

const rscs = shallowReactive([
	new Img('URL1' 'img 1'),
	new Img('URL2' 'img 2'),
	new Img('URL3' 'img 3'),

const transitions = shallowReactive([Book, Zip]);

	<template #preloader="preloaderProps">
		<FluxPreloader v-bind="preloaderProps" />

	<template #caption="captionProps">
		<FluxCaption v-bind="captionProps" />

	<template #controls="controlsProps">
		<FluxControls v-bind="controlsProps" />

	<template #pagination="paginationProps">
		<FluxPagination v-bind="paginationProps" />

	<template #index="indexProps">
		<FluxIndex v-bind="indexProps" />

<button @click="$vueFlux.show('next')">NEXT</button>


Weight is about 60 KB so is pretty light having only the essential CSS. It also does not require a high end computer as animations are performed with CSS3 hardware acceleration.

Included transitions

2D transitions

FadeFades from one image to next
KenburnFades, zoom and moves current image to next
SwipeSwipes the image to display next like uncovered with a curtain
SlideSlides the image horizontally revealing the next
WaterfallDivides the image in bars and drops them down in turns
ZipDivides the image in bars and slides them up and down alternately like a zip
Blinds 2DDivides the image in vertical bars that blinds and fades out
Blocks 1The image is split in blocks that shrink and fade out randomly
Blocks 2The image is split in blocks that shrink and fade out in wave from a corner to the opposite
Concentrica concentric effect is performed by rotating the image converted into circles
WarpA concentric effect is performed by rotating the image converted into circles in alternate direction
CameraFrom outside to inside the image is being circled in black like a camera

3D transitions

CubeTurns the image to a side like if place in a cube
BookMakes the effect of turning a page to display next image
FallThe image falls in front displaying next image
WaveMakes the image 3D and divides it in slices that turn vertically to display the next image
Blinds 3DDivides the image in vertical bars that blinds 180 deg to form the next image
Round 1Dhe image is split in blocks that turn 180 deg horizontally to form next image
Round 2Panels start to round vertically revealing the next image in upper arrow form leaving trail
ExplodeThe image starts to explode from the center to outside


As simple as this.

import { FluxParallax, Img } from 'vue-flux';

const rsc = new Img('URL1' 'img 1');
<FluxParallax :rsc="rsc" style="height: 300px;">


If you find yourself running into issues during installation or running the slider, please check our documentation. If still needs help open an issueopen in new window. I will be happy to discuss how they can be solved.


You can view the full documentation at the project's documentation with examples and detailed information.


Check the changelog for update info.


This slider was inspired by Flux Slideropen in new window.


Contributions, questions and comments are all welcome and encouraged.

Do not hesitate to send me your own transitions to add them to the slider.