

This is the main component of the slider and will be the frame that displays the resources.

Demoopen in new window


The slider size is defined the following way:

  1. If defined by CSS that will be the size
  2. If no width defined, will be parent's width
  3. If no height defined, will calculate the height using a 16:9 ratio


If you want to define a size, avoid using width and height directly in the style attribute, as those values will be applied always, even in full screen, not letting the slider resize itself. So better use a class for .vue-flux component or set the style attribute in the parent.


All the attributes are reactive, so if you change their value at any moment, the slider will be updated automatically.

interface VueFluxProps {
	options?: VueFluxOptions;
	rscs: (Resource | ResourceWithOptions)[];
	transitions: (Component | TransitionWithOptions)[];


An object containing the slider options.

This are the available options.

allowFullscreenbooleanfalseAllows the slider to be displayed in full screen
allowToSkipTransitionbooleantrueIf enabled you will be able to skip the running transition, otherwise you need to wait to interact again
aspectRatiostring16:9Aspect ratio to set the slider by width:height ratio
autohideTimenumber2500The time in ms that the controls and index buttons remain visible. If set to 0 they will never disappear
autoplaybooleanfalseAutoplay images when preload finished
bindKeysbooleanfalseBinds the arrow keys of keyboard to show next or previous
delaynumber5000The time in ms that an image will be displayed before changing to next
enableGesturesbooleanfalseDefine if in touchable screens should use gestures instead of showing control and index buttons
infinitebooleantrueThe slider will start over when reaches the last image, otherwise will stop
lazyLoadbooleantrueEnables or disables lazy loading of images. If disabled, transitions will not begin until all images have been loaded
lazyLoadAfternumber3Indicates how many images have to be loaded before starting to load the rest in background

This is the default options schema:

	allowFullscreen: false,
	allowToSkipTransition: true,
	aspectRatio: '16:9',
	autohideTime: 2500,
	autoplay: false,
	bindKeys: false,
	delay: 5000,
	enableGestures: false,
	infinite: true,
	lazyLoad: true,
	lazyLoadAfter: 5,


The array containing the resources to be displayed.


If resource can not be loaded will be omitted displaying a console warning message.

Resource options

In order to modify the parameters of resources, you need to do it using an object with the following schema:

interface ResourceWithOptions {
	resource: Resource;
	options: {
		delay?: number;
		stop?: boolean;


This is an array that will own the transition components.

The transitions will be run in the order defined and then will begin again from the first.

Included transitions

In this version there are 20 transitions included.


Check transitions to see the list.


Check custom transitions to know more about how to create custom transitions.

Transition options

In order to modify the parameters of transitions, you need to do it using an object with the following schema:

interface TransitionWithOptions {
   component: Component;
   options: Object;

To know which options the included transitions have, go to the transition documentation.

Following is an example of customizing an included transition and a custom transition.

import { shallowReactive } from 'vue';
import {
   Blinds2D ,
} from 'vue-flux';
import 'vue-flux/style.css';
import CustomTransition from 'CustomTransition.vue';

const rscs = shallowReactive([
   new Img('URL1' 'img 1'),
   new Img('URL2' 'img 2'),
   new Img('URL3' 'img 3'),

const transitions = [{
   component: Blinds2D,
   options: {
      tileDuration: 1000,
      easing: 'ease-in-out',
}, {
   component: CustomTransition,
   options: {
      rows: 4,
      cols: 10,
      totalDuration: 3000,

Props and methods

// Displays the resource specified by number (or 'next' or 'prev') and using the specified transition.
async show(
	resourceIndex: number | Direction =,
	transitionIndex: number | Direction =
): void

// Starts displaying the resources by the interval specified with [delay](#options) option.
play(resourceIndex: number | Direction =, delay?: number): void

// Stops playing images and remains in the current.
async stop(cancelTransition: boolean = false): void

// Gets the player controller
getPlayer(): Player

// The size of the component
size: Size


preloaderFluxPreloaderDefined to hold the preloading functionality
captionFluxCaptionUsed to display the resources captions
controlsFluxControlsUsed to display the slider controls
indexFluxIndexUsed to display a resources index
paginationFluxPaginationUsed to display the a resources pagination


createdfired when the slider component is created
mountedfired when the slider component is mounted
unmountedfired when the slider component is destroyed
playresourceIndex: number | Direction, delay?: numberfired when auto playing resources
stopfired when stopped to auto play resources
showresource: PlayerResource, transition: PlayerTransitionfired when requested to show an image
options-updatedfired when the options have been updated
transitions-updatedfired when transitions updated
resources-preload-startfired when started to preload images
resources-preload-endfired when finished to preload images
resources-lazyload-startfired when start to lazy loading images
resources-lazyload-endfired when finished to lay loading images
fullscreen-enterfired when entered in full screen mode
fullscreen-exitfired when exit from full screen
transition-startresource: PlayerResource, transition: PlayerTransitionfired when transition begin
transition-cancelresource: PlayerResource, transition: PlayerTransitionfired when transition is running and is being cancelled
transition-endresource: PlayerResource, transition: PlayerTransitionfired when transition finish