Edit the Nuxt config to let it know not to SSR and to add it as vendor.


   plugins: [{
      src: '~/node_modules/vue-flux', ssr: false
   build: {
      vendor : ['vue-flux'],

Then wrap the <vue-flux> component with <no-ssr> to indicate Nuxt what not to SSR in template and import vue-flux when its run in the browser.


let VueFlux;
let Transitions;

if (process.browser) {
   const VF = require('vue-flux');
   VueFlux = VF.VueFlux;
   Transitions = VF.Transitions;

export default {
   components: {

   data: () => ({
      fluxOptions: {
         autoplay: false
      fluxImages: [
      fluxTransitions: Transitions